6 Questions That Will Improve the Way You Communicate

How much effort do you invest in identifying how you like to receive and share information? I have found that one of the basic tenets of clear communication is to know our individual preferences.


Because then we can share them with our colleagues, which will prevent misunderstandings, eliminate confusion, and lead to clarity.

Here are six fill in the blank phrases for your consideration, including some ideas designed to get your creative juices flowing:

  1. The most effective way to communicate with me is:

  2. The least effective way to communicate with me is:

  3. My favorite way to give information is:

  4. My least favorite way to give information is:

    (Ideas for questions 1 thru 4 are email, face to face, text message, phone, bottom line, lots of detail, lists, and diagrams)

  5. The best time to communicate with me is:

  6. The worst time to communicate with me is:

    (Ideas for questions 5 and 6 are time of day, last minute, in advance, scheduled meetings, and on the fly)

This is not a pop quiz. There are no right or wrong answers, only ones that are specific to you.

Take some time this week and think about these questions. You may find that identifying and sharing your communication preferences with your team will make life a lot simpler!

Looking to further develop your communication skills? I can help. Fill out the consult form below, and we can schedule a time for a free consultation. Together, we can find ways to help you better communicate!