I’ve written about the significance of the Vision/Traction Organizer™. It is the two-page strategic plan we help each Leadership Team create for their company. The process is based on facilitating a discussion and several exercises so the Leadership Team is 100% on the same page with the answers to eight questions:
- What are your Core Values?
- What is your Core Focus™?
- What is your 10-Year Target™?
- What is your Marketing Strategy?
- What is your 3-Year Picture™?
- What is your 1-Year Plan?
- What are your quarterly Rocks?
- What are your Issues?
The V/TO™ is a powerful tool, and every section, represented by one of the eight questions, is equally important. My favorite part of the V/TO™ is Rocks. Simply put, Rocks are the company’s priorities for the next 90 days. We help our clients create a 90-Day World™ in which they focus on Company Rocks, the priorities that will have the greatest impact on the company, and Individual Rocks, the priorities that are most important for each Leadership Team member to accomplish.
Writing Rocks is an evolutionary process. Initially it is not uncommon for a Leadership Team to write Rocks that are important, but not necessarily impactful to the company’s goals. With practice, however, we see teams create strong Rocks that yield results.
And over time, I hear similar remarks from the Leadership Teams with whom I have the privilege of working — “My Rocks keep me focused and on track,” “They help me prioritize my time better,” “Rocks help me work on the things I can control,” “They help us achieve our annual plan,” and “Rocks make all the difference in the world”.
Rocks are one of EOS®’s many ways to keep your business on track, and are a crucial part of your business’s success. I welcome the opportunity to talk with you more about Rocks and how to write them. If you have questions about EOS®or would like to learn more about identifying your Rocks, please fill out the consult form below to request a free, 15-minute phone consultation with me. I enjoy helping businesses understand how they can benefit from EOS®, and why staying on track really “Rocks.”