Implementing EOS® in your company is a journey. It takes approximately two years to fully implement the tools throughout every level of your organization. If you don’t require the journey to be easy or comfortable or safe, you can change your world.
I sometimes meet leadership teams who, at about the three-month mark, express frustration that they haven’t turned their company around yet. Or that they continue to need to refine their EOS Scorecard™. They may be struggling to skillfully use the Issues Solving Track™. There is a voice in their head that is being very critical of them for not yet having mastered every aspect and nuance of EOS®.
I share two concepts with a leadership team when they are impatient with themselves.
First is a reminder that implementing EOS® in their company is a journey, a marathon if you will. They are building muscle by learning new skills, perfecting others, gaining new insights, developing the ability to use tools they may not have explored previously. This takes time. This takes practice. This takes patience, which brings me to the second concept.
We all have a critical voice that pops up in our head every so often and it works to beat us up. When that voice appears, welcome it into your office. Allow it to sit next to you as you work. And when it starts criticizing you, pat it on the head and thank it for sharing. Then go back to work. Remember — you have been successful in many endeavors throughout your life. So you have everything you need to successfully implement EOS® in your company.
Oh, and one more thing — your implementer is with you on this journey. Not just in the session room, but also between sessions via phone, email, online video — whatever it takes, for as long as you need us or if you ever need us again.
EOS® Founder Gino Wickman wrote a book called, “Traction” that walks you through how to implement EOS® in your organization. He uses what he calls the Six Key Components™, and describes each one in its own chapter. I’d like to invite you to download chapter 1 of “Traction” for free, so you can better understand the impact EOS® can have in companies like yours.
The book is an excellent resource as you begin to implement EOS®, but it’s not your only one. I’m an EOS® implementer and I’m your resource too. My job is to help you through the process and encourage you to make the tough decisions that make your company grow. Our partnership lasts until you feel you have successfully completed your journey.
If you’d like to learn more about EOS® or begin a conversation about implementing it in your company, please fill out the consult form below. A 15-minute phone call may be all you need to determine if EOS® is something you’d like to move forward with. But you won’t get any pressure from me. I became an implementer because I was once a business owner of a company that was in need of direction. EOS® worked for me, so I’m excited to help others make it work for them.
Let’s schedule a convenient time to talk about the possibility of starting your EOS® journey.