The Five Leadership Abilities™ are one of the first things an EOS® Implementer teaches every leadership team. We teach this so leadership teams have the tools they need to break through the ceiling when they hit it. One of those abilities is the ability to simplify. I find that most leadership teams understand the concept — where they struggle is how to get there.
It is usual and customary for leaders to build complexity throughout their organization as it grows. They don’t even realize they are doing so — it just comes natural to us as human beings. We develop multifaceted channels of communication; lengthy policies and procedures that really could fit on one, okay maybe two, pages; and complex processes to handle a customer request for support or a quote. This is how we, as leaders, control the organization so it doesn’t get away from us. Does it work? Not really. What we need to do is Simplify.
Getting to simple requires hard work and discipline. It really is easy to write a 25-page procedure. I think our brains go there because we want to make sure we didn’t leave anything out and that we planned for every eventuality. The problem is that people don’t read that procedure; their eyes glaze over and you lose their attention.
It takes hard work and discipline to challenge everything you develop, and ask what value each point or step adds to the organization. You want to represent the purpose and essence of everything you do. Everything else is noise that interferes with growth.
It takes hard work and discipline to approach everything you build in your company from the perspective that complexity is the enemy. This is how you will get clear about what you have to do. Leaders must obsess about simplicity. They must drive it into the organization, top to bottom.
So let’s try something new and Simplify – everything.
Simplify and the other Leadership Abilities are discussed in detail in Gino Wickman’s book, “Traction.” “Traction” thoroughly explains how an organization can implement the Entrepreneurial Operating System, EOS®, using the Six Key Components™. And it explains it in an organized, understandable, and of course simple, way.
Although there is nothing simple about implementing EOS®, the concepts and examples presented in the book are easy to follow. I invite you to download chapter one of “Traction,” which includes the table of contents and introduction. Reading this small section of the book will help you understand the value of reading it in its entirety.
It takes time and practice to implement EOS® and use it consistently. That’s where an EOS® Implementer, like myself, comes in. We help companies establish each of the components, make sound decisions for the greater good of your organization, and build the Leadership Abilities™ that solidify your leadership team.
If you would like to talk with me about EOS®, I invite you to fill out the consultation form below. There is no obligation to move forward after our 15-minue phone call. Together we can determine where your company is versus where it needs to be, and develop a plan to get it there.
Let’s schedule a time to talk today.